A Cycling Moment

By John Bassett

The Funky 50 club ride yesterday extends down in scenic Lawrence County.

Westbound on Gil Gal Road, I was riding near the back when were we passed by a dually diesel pickup.  A few moments later I noted we were closing fast on that truck and were soon on his bumper.  The driver flipped his hand out the window in obvious frustration with an impediment ahead of him.  Around the right side of the truck I glimpsed a bright fluorescent jacket – a lone cyclist.  One of our group in trouble, I thought, crawling along on a flat?

The truck finally cleared the cyclist.

“Not one of us,” Greg noted.  In clear view now was a middle-aged woman on a fat tire bike spinning slowly, but determinedly up a small grade.  She had a severe weight issue.  It was obvious why she was on that bike.  I downshifted, fell back, and pulled up beside her.

“You’re doing fine,” I said.

She managed a pained smile.  “I’m getting a little faster,” she said.

“You know,” I said, “one lady who rides with us dropped 45 pounds in a year by riding her bike, and the lady at the head of the group who passed you a second ago pretty much did the same thing.”

Now she looked at me.  “I want to get there.”

“Keep this up, and you can!”

I flashed her thumbs up and continued down the road