A True Afternoon Delight

I was part of a group of seven riders who did Tom Reynolds’s “Afternoon Delight” ride this Thursday.

We had a nice, varied group: Tom, Tammy, Klaus, Gail, Mark V, John C, and Allan. We did a standard club 29 mile route, Ride around Rosie’s, to the west, modified to take the B-Line Trail out of town and the Clear Creek Trail coming back into town.

We sailed along at a pretty good clip over the first half of the ride, which is essentially all down hill until we turned onto Gardner after Rose’s and Hendricksville. Some people say the climb up Gardner is not so much steep as long. I say it’s steep, too.

Everyone did a good job of staying together or letting slower riders catch up. Only when we reached the Clear Creek Trail where it crosses That Road did we finally split up with three going south and four going north, back to Bryan Park.

It was actually quite nice on the trail, with very few people there at 3 pm on a week day. It was almost shocking to see the construction project where the trail starts and stops at Tapp Road. We crossed there and worked our way through the neighborhoods to Rockport and then Rogers and Grimes back to the park.

Altogether we had a fine time on an early spring weekday afternoon. Thanks to Tom for organizing these delights.