Adopt-A-Road, Sunday, August 16

Sunday afternoon, August 16, was our club’s quarterly service activity of road clean-up along our adopted mile of Old Highway 37, south of town from where it crosses State Road 37, down to Ketcham Road. Here’s a map showing “our road”:

(Click for a larger version.)
For a bigger map with more context see this map at
Some fifteen club members showed up to scour the road sides for trash and recyclables. It took a little over an hour of hot work, with most sections of the road getting double scrutiny.
Here’s the sign at the south end of our stretch:

(Click for a larger version.)
Yellow bags are for trash. Blue for recyclables. You get to keep all money found.
Red vests and gloves were provided. Everyone had to view an on-line video and sign a waiver before participating. Hats, sunscreen, and insect repellent were all appropriate.
Mark noticed this snake, which was surprisingly willing to stay and watch us watching him:

(Click for a larger version.)
Afterwards we gathered briefly for cool drinks and snacks before departing.
Here are some 10 of the 15 volunteers who helped out:

(Click for a larger version.)
There was a nice mix of new folks and experienced hands. Next time a call goes out for volunteers maybe you would also like to help out. A special thanks to club president Jennifer Miers for doing the work to develop and organize this service project!