Almost to Paragon

By Allan Edmonds

Saturday saw the club ride head north to Paragon, as we typically do once a year. It was a well-deserved day of nice sunny weather, if a little windy.

Leader Bob DeGroff got the large group of about 40 riders organized, and off we went.

It was an interesting group of all levels of experience. It was clear from the beginning that we would – and should – break up into several smaller groups, after regrouping a couple of times on the way out of town. Bob took the leader’s role of watching out for the newer and/or slower riders seriously.

Bob assured us that he had checked that Bottom Road was unflooded and passable, although he couldn’t vouch for the final 4 miles into Paragon.

A few people took the 29 mile shortest option, including Tammy and Glenn B. who were riding dual tandems with kids on the back. They’ve often been out with a tandem, but this was the first time they brought both kids and both tandems, and they thought it prudent not to push their luck too much.

I was in a small group that decided not to to the out-and-back portion to the stop in Paragon and do the 38 mile middle option.

We were taking a short break in the Morgan-Monroe Forest when some of the other riders caught up to us. It had turned out that the route into Paragon was flooded and they had given up trying to ride through the water. At that point some riders had opted for extra miles by going on to Martinsville and following our M and M route. Others met up with us and decided to go through the forest, DOWN Beanblossom Hill and back to Old 37 on Anderson Road, instead of staying on Old 37 the whole way back into town.

For those new to the club, who naturally wonder how fast club rides go, I note that my small group averaged around 13.5 mph, including time in town on both ends, and a little under 12 mph including stops. For most of the ride we were averaging somewhat over 14 mph. We were definitely among the slower riders.

P.S. I was a bit surprised to have gotten a bit of a sunburn on my arms. I guess it’s time to start being more careful about sunscreen.

P.P.S. Note for next year’s ride calendar: We’ve been flooded out several times on this ride. Maybe it needs to be a little later in the Spring!