Annual Meeting and Banquet

The club’s annual meeting was held on Saturday, February 19, 2011. As an experimental change of pace we has a luncheon meeting, again at Chapman’s. There were about 35 members in attendance. We’ve already heard a report of the meeting from President Keith Vogelsang by email on February 20-21. Here we share several images taken by Mike Finger. Click on any photo for a larger version.

Nancy Tibbit of Bicycle Indiana demonstrates the yard stick being used to promote their “Don’t be a Hogassaurus” Share the Road campaign, aimed at educating drivers to give bike riders at least 3 feet of clearance as they pass.

Bloomington Mayor Mark Kruzan joined the meeting and spoke to the club about what’s going on in the city.

Here we are going through the buffet line.

Chatting before lunch.

 Gathering for the business meeting.

Club VP Mark Villanova talks about plans for this year’s RAIN.

Cub members Clair Murphy, Bob DeGroff, Keith Vogelsang and Bob Austin chat after lunch.

Examining the county map of all our bike routes.

Ron Brown and Jim Schroeder examine an electronic map.

This must be Ron’s winter commuting bike with its studded snow tires.