Saturday evening, February 9, 2019, saw our annual BBC winter banquet at the Convention Center.
After a bit a socializing the first part of the meeting was occupied with an overview of club activities by President Andrew Houlne, a treasurer’s report from Jim Powers, and a call for RAIN volunteers from Tammy and Glenn Berger. Here’s the link for volunteer signup, where you can make your choices among many opportunities:
After a break for going through the buffet line (good food, including vegetarian options), we proceeded to the election of officers: Warren Smith (VP), Jim Powers (Treasurer), and Stan Ellis (At-Large) were re-elected by unanimous voice vote.
We then had a report from Beth Rosenbarger, City of Bloomington Planning Services Manager, on bike routes and multi-use paths in the works as well on the City Transportation Plan, which is under consideration by the City Council.
Finally we had the presentation of club awards by the awards committee consisting of Matt Summers, Yusuf Nur, and Jim Schroeder.
Matt introduced the presenters of the “serious” awards:
• John Bassett presented the Most Improved Award to Lisa Huffman
• Kathy Duckett presented the Outreach/Advocacy Award to Linda Woods
• Tammy Berger presented the Good Samaritan Award to Andrew Houlne
• Matt Summers presented the Volunteer/SAG Award to Steve Stevens
• Allan Edmonds presented the Club Service Award to Gail Morell
• Jim Schroeder presented the Mileage Maximus Award to Joseph Teipen
• Gail Morell presented the Lifetime Biker Award to Allan Edmonds
Here’s what the etched award plaques look like:

The evening ended on a lighter note with the presentation of Raspberry Awards by Jim Schroeder:
▪ The Deflated But Not Defeated Award to Jeremy Anderson who had 5 flats on Pre-RAIN and finished with a half-flat tire.
▪ The Waffle Award to Jeremy Schott for suggesting rides and then cancelling.
▪ The Prima Donna Award to Matt Summers for keeping his bike so clean.
▪ The Pig Pen Award to Yusuf Nur for the bike with the most caked on mud.
▪ The I’m Afraid of the Dark Award to Jim Schroeder for not going on a gravel night ride in over a year.