Annual Pool Party, Sunday, August 2

Club members and their families enjoyed a nice evening at Bryan Park Pool. The turnout seemed a little lower than usual, with many people out of town. We hoped to see more of those completing Rudy’s Double Century, but just talked to a few who only did the morning half.
Club VP Tom Whitehead was selling our club jerseys and several people got them. If you’d like one, just contact Tom by email at . As a special bonus, surplus 2009 RAIN t-shirts were offered for free to any club member at the party.
Linda shows her new club jersey.

Mark displays his new club jersey, while Bob looks on.

Most people just talked and ate. But most kids swam and even a few adults.
Proof that at least one club member swam a lap.

I still can’t understand why more people don’t take advantage of the opportunity to fly down the water slide a few times. When else does a grownup get such a chance? And with no wait in line to boot.
There was lots of Avers pizza. A number of people took some home. And we even gave pizza to the lifeguards when the end of the evening came.