BBC Summer Picnic

BBCers gathered for the second annual BBC summer picnic at the Lions Den at Cascade Park. The weather was hot, but the food was good. As usual some key people were out of town for vacation. But there was a really nice mix of people who did come.

President Keith Vogelsang took this opportunity to recognize many of the volunteer leaders who helped to make RAIN a success this year. Many, many club members and friends and family members pitched in to prepare registration packets, to run registration In Terre Haute, to run rest stops all along Highway 40, and to run the finish line at Earlham College in Richmond.

Keith recognized RAIN committee chair Mark Villanova and Jim Schroeder, RAIN route mapper, who had to miss the picnic. He gave special mention to the following: Jennifer Miers, who ran registration; John Connell, who was in charge of the finish line; Keith and his family, who serviced the rest stops, driving a truck across the state, getting to the finish just ahead of the lead pack; and Klaus Rothe, who took over 900 photos documenting the event from beginning to end. All received a round of applause from club members.