Cedar Bluffs Nature Preserve Ride

By Glenn Berger

I hope everybody enjoyed the ride as much as I did.  Yes it was a little hilly, but boy was the weather perfect and the scenery nice.

This was my first attempt at leading a Saturday ride and I was quite surprised by the turnout (33 people/bikes!).  Instead of the normal talk about how scenic this or that was I’ll simply give a few observations from my first lead ride of the year.

(1)  This is a great club and I really enjoy riding with all of you.

(2)  Don’t be bashful about being a ride leader.  It really is easy…here’s all you have to do…print maps and hand them out and just say go.  Then just let the group mentality take over and enjoy a nice paced ride at the back and make some new friends or revisit with some old ones (I got to do BOTH ;).

Glenn instructs some of the group at Bryan Park.
(Click for larger version.)

As for the details…I don’t have exact numbers, but around 7 people split off at Ketchum and Fluck Mill for the 17 mile route, but in the end some of them ended up with 32 miles.  The remainder group stayed together until Popcorn where the long haulers, around 10 or so, made a right turn and all the rest of us turned left to go into Harrodsburg and finally back to Bloomington.

Here we are at the stop next to Cedar Bluffs on Ketcham Road.

I hope everybody had great time!