Check Your Tires!

From Tammy Berger

Oh what a beautiful day for a ride…….. Or strike that, what a beautiful day to fix the bike tire!  Here is a great safety reminder.

 Glenn and I rode out to meet Klaus and Mike at Bryan Park for a beautiful afternoon ride.  Plan was to ride the Elletsville/Whitehall loop and it was perfect for it.  As we were heading out of town we were stopped at the light on 7th and Walnut.  Glenn noticed a problem with my rear tire, and we pulled over and saw the problem was more than could be temporarily saved with a boot.

A simple check of my equipment this morning before hopping on the bike would have saved my ride today (all I did was air up my tires).

As it was Glenn and I came back home for replacements while Klaus and Mike headed on out.  So instead of the planned 40 miles with friends we had a casual 8.5 miles around town.

Obviously as bad as this tire was I had been riding on a bad tire for some time.  I count myself among the lucky that Glenn saw it when he did instead of it giving out farther from home or while blazing down a hill!

I will be more diligent about safety checking my equipment before taking off now.  Guess I was overdue for a reminder that safety should always be first!