Cutright and Back

Tuesday evening we had a great crowd of riders out for our simple out-and-back to the Cutright boat ramp on the south side of the causeway across Lake Monroe on 446. The group of 30 bikes included a wide range of riders, not least two tandems (well, one tandem and one pedal trailer, each with a kid on back).

We got pretty spread out along the way, but everyone regrouped down near the water at Cutright. (Click on the image for a bigger version.)

Clearly Klaus and Dan had a great time!

After a little R and R we headed back up the long hill on 446. Everyone gathered one more time at Pine Ridge. Once everyone was accounted for and ready to go we naturally broke up into small groups for the ride home. I ended up with 22 miles, plus roundtrip to the church, averaging about 14.4, with a max of 34 down the hill to the lake, and a total climb recorded by my GPS of 680 feet.