Ellettsville with Variations

Saturday, March 9, marked the second club ride of the season, but the first for most of us who were either out of town (like me) or reluctant to brave the rather brutal weather described in John B’s report in the previous blog post. This week the weather was cool, in the 40s, but not brutal.

Incoming club president Jim S led a nice group of about 20 on this relatively short (23 mile) early season ride. The group included two tandems, Jim and Sylvia on one and incoming vp Dan F and Cindy on the other.

We took a leisurely ride out of town via the B-Line Trail from Grimes to its northern end. We took our one group stop at the service station in Ellettsville. From there it was the ups and downs of Maple Grove Road, past the famous intersection of Maple Grove and Maple Grove. At the point where Maple Grove tees into Bottom Road, one group headed left for a longer option.

The rest of us headed right back toward town following the club route. When we teed into Old 37 in Lower Cascades some people turned right to head back to Bryan Park. My little group of OWLS headed left at that point to go up Audubon and across to Highway 45 on Bethel and back into town that way, adding about 10 miles to the basic route.

Altogether it was a good start to the year, with a varied group of riders and options for everyone.