First Club Ride of 2011 Riding Season

As we all heard by email the first official Saturday club ride of 2011 was rained out on March 5. But as Tammy Berger reports, Sunday’s Nice and Easy Ride went on as scheduled.

She writes, “With the rain all gone 4 brave souls (Ron B, Clair M, Bill S, and Tammy B) braved the cold but dry conditions today on the Sunday Nice ‘n Easy ride.  We had a nice 21 mile ride in the 35 degree weather on the Nice ‘n Easy Tramway route.  The cold was definitely numbing, but it was nice to get out and ride with friends again.  Looking forward to a great riding season.”

I know others were out riding as well. CE, Gail, Tom, and I went out a little earlier on a route that combined elements of the airport ride and Tramway. We originally planned a 29 mile route, which we shortened a bit at the end, mainly because of cold toes.