First Intermediate Ride

From Tom Reynolds

Eighteen riders joined the inaugural Intermediate Ride on Tuesday.  We left Bryan Park after some quick temporary repairs to one of Jerry’s pedals that kept trying to escape from the rest of his bike.  We rode through the neighborhoods to Smith Road then north on Route 45 to Mt. Gilead where we did a quick regroup.  Then down the big hill on Mt. Gilead and up the easier side, over to Tunnel where we took a bit longer to regroup and add some fuel in bar or gel form.  We then rode over the always fun Robinson Road to Old 37 and up the always less fun Firehouse Hill to our final regroup at the firehouse where the group picture was taken.

 John, who is riding very strong this year, had an average speed of 16 at this point.  Jerry also showed some speed by catching up to us here after stopping by his house to more securely mend his pedal.  From there we returned to Bryan Park via Cascades.  Bill broke a spoke and hopped on the bus to get home from the Stadium but otherwise everyone made it back okay.

My average speed, Park to Park, was 15.7 mph although we flew across Robinson at well over 20.  The ride distance was 23.7 miles.