Future Structure of the BBC

The BBC board has been considering updates–indeed a complete rewrite–of the club by-laws. A group of club officers met during the fall semester with a group of IU students (“180 Degrees Consulting”) doing a project in the Kelly School of Business who attempted to evaluate the club from a non-profit organizational perspective and made a number of recommendations including a new set of by-laws. While their proposals had some valid points, others didn’t seem quite right. After some discussion a board committee will be looking at revising that document substantially, with a goal of presenting something to the membership sometime much later this year.

In the meantime you might be interested in this little diagram, which will be fleshed out into full by-laws:
(Click to view a larger version.)
A committee consisting of Jerry Arvesen, John Bassett, and Allan Edmonds will be working on a draft of a new set of by-laws. This is a good time to work toward a shared vision and understanding of what the club is and should be all about and to formalize structures and practices in support of that vision.