Goodbye to George Van Arsdale

This last Saturday afternoon we remembered and said goodbye to George Van Arsdale who died on March 13, 2011, after a several year battle with a rare type of cancer. George was a long term member of the BBC. A funeral mass was held at Trinity Episcopal Church, with several BBC members attending. He had lots of connections in the community in addition to biking. The arts community was especially well represented.

I took the photo above out near the Waterworks in the fall of 2006 during the Persimmon Ride led by Joe Anderson.

I think we all recognized George in the description of him in the eulogy. A serious talker with knowledge and opinions on almost everything. He was unique and we’ll miss him.

George served a term as president of our club back in the 1970s. He recorded some of his memories of the early days of the club in a document that used to be on the club web site. I searched for it, but couldn’t find it there. I did eventually locate a copy by going to and searching there using the presently dead URL in the year 2007. You, too, could find it there. Here’s a link for the history that currently works Maybe it will reappear on our regular web site again sometime. But if you’ve ever lost something on the web, there’s at least a chance you can resurrect it using the Wayback Machine!