Hendricksville Ride by Rosie’s

Since I missed last Saturday’s ride today’s Hendricksville Ride marked the beginning of my club biking season. It was a beautiful day, bright and clear. At start time it was a bit nippy at about 39 degrees. Everyone had tights on. Jen Miers led our group of some 19 riders on this club favorite early season ride.

Ron Brown led us out of town via the new part of the B-Line Trail. We took Second Street to Morton and from there got on the trail headed north through town. The new part curves around northwest allowing us to get onto Vernal Pike AFTER the infamous RR crossing. The paved trail comes to an abrupt end at Adams Street. Going straight onto the street involves dropping off a curb probably 4 inches high. The better plan is to stay on the sidewalk for half a block to the intersection and roll onto the street through the curb cut. We took Adams north to 11th Street (where there is an all-ways stop at a T intersection) and then 11th Street west to Vernal.

Our main re-grouping spot was at the R & J Store at 43 and 48.  Although I was in the trailing group, when we got to the store another group of 4 or 5 was missing. We never found them. We suppose they failed to stay on Vernal as it goes up to Highway 48 and took the Oard Road short route by accident. I’ve done that before, but soon turned around when I hit Rock Crusher Hill. I’m still waiting to hear from those riders.