Hot Fall Rides

Tom Reynolds continues his extraordinary work developing and mapping new rides for the Tu-Th OWLS group. He was really pushing us with longer rides. But even Tom has accepted that diminishing daylight has cut the time we can be out. The “long” options for this week’s rides have been right at 20 miles. The plan now is to drop scheduled evening rides at the end of September, I think. But check the club ride calendar just in case. And if you are interested, maybe there will still be people for short rides in October.

Tuesday we went out 446 to Pine Grove and down to the lake. Quite possibly this was our last trip down that way to the lake.

After climbing back to 446, most of us headed back into town via Swartz Ridge and climbing Stipp. Almost always we go down Stipp. We should always do it that way once in the season. Some climb!