It Was Really Cold

By John Bassett

The official BBC riding season got underway last Saturday, March 2.  Riding condition were less than optimal with a temperature of 29oF and a brisk north wind at the start.  I probably would not have even attempted this ride except:  1) it was the first official ride of the season, and 2) I really needed to work on getting my legs reengaged for some upcoming riding in Texas.  Eight hardy souls left Bryan Park at 11:00 heading out for a leisurely ride to the Muscatatuck Wildlife Refuge on Bottom Road.

Okay, I’m relatively new to this sport, and this was my first ride where the temperature did not get above freezing.  It was also my first experience with insulated shoe covers which I must say work very well in keeping the toes warm.  I wish I could say that about the fingers.  By the time we were heading up Kinser Pike I was down to one finger on each hand that would work a SRAM shift level.  A rethink of the riding glove situation is definitely in order.  Regroups were also interesting.  At a stop, the hands and feet would warm, but the whole rest of you would ice up.  Pick your poison.

The original plan was to do the longer 33 mile Mt Pleasant / Burma / Buskirk / Dittemore loop ride option.  However, most people had had enough cold at the out-and-back turnaround point at the wildlife viewing station.  Jen’s hands were beyond numb, and Yusuf’s lot was compounded by ill-shifting rear derailleur.  Six of us turned back at the point and enjoyed a more pleasant wind-at-the-back ride back to town.  Nathan and Laura, the gung ho youngsters, decided to brave it and proceeded around the rest of the 33 mile loop.  Here is a pic of our little group at about 30 degrees F.

I learned a little about winter riding on this adventure.  I think we are all glad we did the ride, or at least we were glad to get back home and warm up.  Blowing snow in the face is a nice touch, but really, it does need to warm up around here.