“Johnny Junxions”

Saturday was another nice, but cool (40s), day for an afternoon bike ride. This time the BBC Gruppetto group headed out Victor Pike and Old 37 to Judah, on a ride CE has christened “Johnny’s Junction”. We stopped for a bit at the service station and convenience store on the SE corner of Old 37 and New 37 and discovered that their sign actually says “Johnny Junxions”. I never read it that closely before. There seem to be both spelling and grammar issues here, and, perhaps, a little dyslexia.

After that we headed toward Guthrie and up “The Alps”, coming back to town via Strain Ridge Rd. This was my third time this year and my second time in three days up the Alps!

We’ve done this route a few times before as a short option on a longer ride down south. Thanks to CE for giving it a name in its own right!

On the way back on Schacht Rd we met up with Al and Kathy R on their tandem. I’m sure many other club members found their way out for a ride one way or the other.

We had 8 riders (plus one who had to drop out not feeling well) — CE, Ken, Gail, Jack, Rachel, Allan, Tom, and Thom — and did about 36 miles at about 13 mph.