Nashville 90 Detour

By Mike Finger
BBC Ride Director

For those of you who like to do the Nashville 90, you have probably heard by now that Hwy 58 is closed for bridge repair between Norman and Kurtz. The duration of this closure is predicted to last several months, meaning it will affect us most of the summer. I have ridden the 90 twice since the road was closed, and have been able to climb over and around the obstacles that are in the road both times. This makes the ride do-able, but hardly suffices as BBC policy for a club sanctioned ride.

There is a county road detour of modest length. When you come to the T on 58 at Norman do not take the left that would keep you on 58, but instead go to the right. The road sign there identifies this as 1250W. Take this road .9 miles to a left onto W450. At some point W450 morphs into 1100W. I never saw a sign for this change but immediately after going past a weird combination log cabin/barn type structure (on your left) the road takes a hard right presumably onto 1100W. After being on W450/1100W for 1.8 miles you will come to your next turn onto 400N, to the left. Follow this 1.8 miles to another left onto 975W. Stay on 975W all the way back to Hwy 58 (2miles). It comes out at the crest of the hill just past the bridge closure. Take a right there and you’re back on route to Freetown.

Link to map at

The total detour is only 6.5 miles, and you’ve cut out several miles of Hwy 58, which means it will only add a couple of miles to your day’s total. The road quality varies between ‘not great’ and ‘excellent’. There are a few broken up spots on 400N, and the last mile plus on 975W is new pavement. There are a few hills.

Bon appetit!!