New Board Meets

The BBC board had its March meeting on Thursday evening, the 8th, at the MCPL. The elected officers Keith Vogelsang (president), John Bassett (VP), Kathy Cummins (Sec), and Jerry Arveson (treasurer). In addition Allan Edmonds (blog), Tammy Berger (membership), and Ron Brown (advocacy) were present for one of the shortest meetings in recent memory.

The meeting started with approval of the minutes of the January meeting and the February annual business meeting.

Jerry made a brief treasurer’s report. We currently have a healthy bank balance with RAIN reservations coming in. The RAIN jersey for 2012 has been designed and can be viewed on the club web site. Ron Brown has purchased some special timing and recording equipment for helping at the finish line. With his system in place he plans to post the finisher list by sometime Saturday after the big ride is over. Tammy reported that we still have trouble with people not confirming their addition to the BBC email list at Google. If a new member doesn’t click on the confirmation button they will not be added to our list! Blog activity is just starting to pick up as the ride season gets going.

Under new business board members filed their conflict of interest forms with Kathy. We approved Keith, Jerry, and Kathy to have signature rights on our checking account. We also discussed procedures for handling our credit card accounts, which have separate numbers for all users, mainly associated with running RAIN, but all go to the same monthly statement that Jerry receives. One informal goal for later this year is to develop a regular budget based on the last couple of years of experience.

WE named Ron Brown as our club representative to the Citizen Action Committee associated with I-69 Section 5 planning.

More financial business: Keith is preparing the IRS 90 form, with assistance from Jerry, to be submitted by the end of the month. Finally we authorized disbursement of funds to the grant winners determined at the last board meeting. Keith will write to each applicant, explaining as much as possible to those that went unfunded why their application was not approved. Jerry will add a check and mail the letters.

Grant awardees include Banneker Community Center, the Bike Project, Bloomington Parks and Rec, Boys and Girls Club, DeCycles, Girls Inc., Monroe County Parks and Rec, New Hope Familiar Shelter, and Stepping Stones.

For members who are interested, more formal and complete minutes are being posted in the Members-Only part of the club web site (after they are approved at a subsequent board meeting).