Off to a Big Year So Far

We’ve had an amazing number of good riding days so far in 2013. I better get organized to write about some of our informal rides.

Thanks to Tammy for getting a group of riders with “flexible schedules” out for a great ride around the lake this afternoon. Altogether we had eight riders. Clair and I opted for the shorter option of the Hoosier Hills 60K route and ended up with about 38 miles. The others, including Tammy, Glenn, Jen, Dana, Jim, and John B did the longer “Funky 50” route.

Several of us realized we were a bit overdressed and adjusted out wardrobes before setting out. I left behind my fleece and balaclava. Tammy demonstrated how to remove a base layer without taking off your outer jersey! (She said most women know how to do this, and almost no men…) At noon, when we set out, it was in the upper 40s I suppose, finally peaking in the lower 50s.

This year so far I had 148 miles in January, an all-time record for me, by far, and, now 186 miles in January and February combined. I should easily clear 200 miles this weekend. Usually I have 30-50 miles in January and February put together!

January 1 CE and I took our hybrids out in the snow for a ride down 446 as far as the turn-off to Pine Grove and back. It was in the 20s and there was a fair amount of snow around. The road was well-plowed and we appreciated that they even plowed the shoulders.

Altogether I’ve been down toward Pine Grove three times, out in the neighborhood of Lake Lemon twice, and around Lake Monroe twice. Most of these earlier rides were with our little “Gruppetto” group.

A good start to what should be a good year.