OWLS to Scott Road

We had another large group of 25 riders out for another one of our early-season OWLS training rides. We headed south on Snoddy eventually to Ramp Creek. After climbing up Ramp Creek and regrouping at the church we headed south on Fairfax to Scott Road.
 At that corner you find Bakers Junction It’s a self-styled “railway museum”. I’ve never stopped there, but it might be worth investigating sometime.
When we got to Strain Ridge several riders turned right to head back to town. Others followed the intended route, but kept going to add some extra miles. Our core group continued south to where Strain Ridge meets Pointe Road. At that point we turned back as planned to complete the originally mapped route.
I got home with 24 miles, averaging 14.5 mph, with total climb of 841 feet, mostly at Ramp Creek.
Next week the Intermediate Training Group starts up. I expect we’ll see somewhat smaller groups at OWLS rides then.