RAIN Billboards!

Take a look at the RAIN billoard that Klaus Rothe has succeeded to get LAMAR advertising to place along US 40:

(click to enlarge)

Klaus just reported to the BBC board:

“It’s official! I’ve just heard from Lamar that two, count them “TWO”, 14 x 40-foot billboards declaring the RAIN ride will be going up. One will be on the west side of Terre Haute, the other in Plainsfield facing toward Terre Haute. What you are viewing here is the actual art.

“If you’re wondering where our logo for the BBC is, or where any mention of the BBC is — that was not allowed as the Convention and Business Bureau cannot give promotion directly to an organization or business.  I tried, but they slapped my hand.”

It will be great! Thanks, Klaus, for engineering this!