The Season Begins

Saturday March 6 marked an auspicious beginning of a new ride season for the BBC.

In the morning around 24 riders did the ride to Muscatatuck and Beyond under the able leadership of Touring Director Mike Finger. Although he says he didn’t get an accurate count, he assures us that with 95% probability everyone made it home safely. Kathy Smith reported on Facebook that she did right at 31 miles and returned home with a warm glow.

By afternoon the temperature was about 50 and a dozen riders came out for the inaugural ride of the new Slow Spokes group and did a 20 mile out and back to the Waterworks, averaging about 10 mph on the bike.

A special thanks to Anndra Morgan, Jodi Pope-Pfingston, and Marion Kreifeldt for organizing this new family-friendly, new rider-friendly, group.

So all together we had around 36 riders out on the first nice Saturday in a long time. Great!