
This Thursday’ evening ride was actually named “Up Victor”, for its big climb(s). Although no one admitted planning it, five people showed up wearing last summer’s bright yellow RAIN 25th anniversary jerseys:

We thought we’d stop and take a look at the car wreck site on Victor Pike near Fluck Mill where 3 young guys were killed Monday night/Tuesday morning. We had assumed they had missed the turn, but in fact the site of the wreck came well before the intersection. It was marked by hand made crosses and a damaged tree. But we didn’t stop.

After we made the turn onto Rockport for the ride toward home we soon noticed some strange background noise. Pretty soon the traffic got really heavy and we came upon the beginnings of a very large outdoor concert of some sort. It turned out to be Tiësto, a loud electronic DJ/light show/fireworks affair with all kinds of students out for an early start to Little 5 weekend.

The site was Pic-a-Chic Farms, located about halfway out along Rockport, at the corner where there is a quick right then left on the map:

We kept on moving toward town, but the excess traffic–cars, buses, suvs, Mercedes, cabs, pedestrians, everything–eventually drove us off of Rockport. A couple of wise people left on Tramway. The rest of us took Bolen over to Victor and went back in on Victor.

Overall this was one of our shorter rides recently. But it had quite a bit of climbing, over 1300 feet in 24 miles home to home. But we definitely saw more unusual sights than on most rides.