Up Victor…and Back

It was a cool spring afternoon for a ride, with temperatures in the 50s. We had a good group of 19 OWLS, including one for whom it was his first ride with the club and a couple others for whom this was their first OWLS ride of the season. We had intended to do a loop south on Victor to Rockport and back to town via Rockport to That Road, and so on. But Rockport is closed somewhere between Victor and Tramway, ostensibly because of a bridge out. Therefore we planned an out-and-back on Victor instead. At the spot where Victor tees into Rockport we tried to persuade a few people to ride down to inspect the bridge situation and report back whether a cyclist, perhaps on foot, could get through. But no one was up for the challenge and the risk of having to retrace a couple of miles of steep hill climb. So we still don’t know the true situation on Rockport.

We had no official leader. Fortunately CE was aware of the bridge outage and went over the options before we left SOCCPL.

Overall it was a typical OWLS ride at an average pace of just under 13 mph, on a route with some substantial hills. Total climb was recorded at around 1300 feet.