Wineries Ride

It was a warm late May Saturday for biking. We had another one of our leaderless rides. Stan Ellis volunteered to get the group going, and things seemed to work out all right. This actually turned into a Jim Schroeder-style ABC ride. A relatively small group of six of us did the basic, short option of 44 miles. Perhaps some others did the 44 mile option, too. Stan was doing an 80 mile or so extension by branching out to continue on the Cordry-Sweetwater route. Meanwhile some others chose to branch out not quite so far, extending the route using the basic Gatesville ride, for about a 60 mile option.

Cell Phone break on Anderson Road
As usual there were a number of familiar faces and some new ones, too. Two special ones stand out:  Tom W was back after several weeks off after his accident and looking good. Brian F, long time member, has moved back to Bedford and will be riding with us again.
Distance about 44.4 miles. Average pace about 13 mph. Total climb around 1700 feet.
Pick out the climbs in Cascades, Simpson Chapel, North Shore, Tunnel, Firehouse Hill.